[I wasn't able to fix two very noticeable bugs that heavily impact game play and apologize for that, I will likely fix it and upload separate from the game jam at a later date. You are unable to game over from time depletion and the hitboxes for the heart dice are of the hearts, not the dice and are difficult to collect]

Control the little dude and replenish your timer die (bottom die) while keeping your health die (top die) above 0!

Left and right to move

Space to jump

Up to extend your head

Touch floating dice to gain time equal to its value and grab the heart dice to increase your remaining health. Don't touch the darts or poker chips!

This is my first "proper game" and it is for the GMTK Game Jam 2022. It's not a masterpiece but I hope you can enjoy it for a while.

Image sources: 



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